- Guided Summary:
- In your own words, describe what an in-depth interview is.
it is the type that makes bring the interviewer and interviewed to the same level providing confidence in the subject to discuss because it is lowered to a conversational level more than a questionary.
- What is the difference between an in-depth interview and a conversation?
That a conversation may be casual and between friends while an in-depth interview makes the interviewed talk without nervous but with the professionalism is never broken
Add a photo of figure 1.1 to your site.

- Why can you use an in-depth interview for most topics?
I think because it is more informational and the interview runs more smoothly because less pressure is
- Describe each type of interview in a few sentences:
- Structured Interview. It is a type of questionary and interaction is limited to answer those questions in a specific order.
- In-depth, semi-structured interviews. It is a sort of conversation that fives room to the person to express themselves within the topics.
- Unstructured interviews. This type of interviews allows the interviewee to create its own agenda and allow the interview to flow their way’
- Narrative interviews. This type allow the interview to seem like a narrative or a story telling.
- Life history interviews. This particular interview allows for the interviewee to relate a personal story about the preferred perspective of their life could be a specific or multiple event
- What is the difference between the realist perspective and the constructivist perspective? Which one do you like the best? Why?
The realistic focuses on the real world by interrogating the feelings, perceptions and experiences expressed in the interview. While constructivist argues that the interviewee constructs a particular view of reality and that this view is shaped fundamentally by the interview itself, so, basically that this last one flows as the interview takes place.
- Complete the end of chapter exercise on page 12.
List five studies where in-depth interviews would be an appropriate method to use. Explain your reasons for choosing these studies.
1.This first should be open ended questions only. Because these leas to a better understanding of the entire questionnaire being asked.
2. Be proactive
3. Perception
4. unstructured method because that allows the interviewed to flow
5. simplicity and pick a topic to allow the interviewed to feel engage and to make him/her interact and feel the time was worth.
Guided Summary:
- What is the problem with having an overly-detailed interview guide? What is the problem with having an un-detailed interview guide?
The problem with overly-detail is that the interviewee may feel that the answer they are giving will show their weakness or may lead to misunderstanding due to leaking too much information. On the contrary un-detailed interviews may leave the interviewer with gaps, concern or confusion because of missing information.
- Why is it important to know about past research before constructing an interview guide?
To gather important information about what type of topics will be interesting to include during the interview.
- List and briefly describe the questions that can be asked listed on page 6. Be sure to use your own words!
The questions should be open-ended questions
- Experiences/behaviours; How do you spend your day? What did you do when you realized that you could no longer afford to stay in your home?
- Opinions/values; What do you thing the unemployment benefits should be?
- Feelings; To what extend do you feel anxious, happy, afraid, intimidated, confident …? How do you feel when you were told that you are being retrenched?
- Knowledge; what systems does the job-finding network have in place to assist you in your pursuit of employment?
- Sensory questions; what do you see when you walk into the job network office?
- Background; these will be relates to age, education, occupation, marital status, etc
- What is a “grand tour” question?
large, sweeping, general questions asking the interviewee to describe the ‘terrain’ of their experience
- Add a photo of figure 3.1 to your site.

- What kinds of questions should you begin with?
General questions as per proponents of grounded theory argues
- Why is it good to put more challenging questions in the middle of the interview?
To know how well you interviewees do with difficult situations and to learn how they go from an easy introduction to give a throw answer about the subject in question. One question interviewees find difficult to answer is “tell me about yourself” question because the answer may be interpreted in many ways good or bad.
- List the general principles given on page 12.
You should avoid questions that will provide information that you can obtain elsewhere. You should use the power of you have ad framer of the questions wisely. The question asked should not elicit discomfort, embarrassment, stress or hostility. It is important that the interviewee doesn’t feel in need of defending him/herself from questions being asked.
- (optional) state what each one means in your own words if that is helpful for you.
- Do the end of chapter exercise on page 13.
- Construction of an interview guide
- Give your project a title
Lehman College Student in Campus Class Return Experience
- Set out your research question/s
- How is the transition online to in person makes you feel in terms of emotional, time management and family settings?
- How is your time management after college reopened to in-person classes?
- How is your class schedule?
- What type of measurements you take when you have to spend long periods of time in campus being the fact that the cafeteria is closed? If any?
- Write out your topics for the interview guide
- Time management
- Class scheduling
- Nutrition while in college
- Write out the specific questions under each topic
- How is the transition online to in person makes you feel in terms of emotional, time management and family settings?How is your time management after college reopened to in-person classes?How is your class schedule?What type of measurements you take when you have to spend long periods of time in campus being the fact that the cafeteria is closed? If any?
Come up with four interview questions for a research project about student experiences at Lehman college. They can be about any aspect of Lehman college that you think would be interesting to explore. Be sure the questions are open-ended and easy to understand. One of your questions should be a non-threatening beginning question that will help establish rapport. Then, for each of your questions, provide 2-3 sentences explaining why you think the question is good and follows the guidance that we have learned.
- What major are you pursuing and are you a part-time or full-time schedule?
I will ask this particular question because believe it or not from this answer depends how hard the student will need to work. Also, from that answer depends the quantity of financial aid help the student will get. And there are resources with more information on that across campus.
- What type of nutrition you are having? From the type of nutrition the student fallows depends all the future this particular student may have. It is a good thing that we have a food pantry at college and that students can take advantage of it to get ingredients to prepare healthy meals which can help them be at a 100% of energy and that way provide a good nutrition source. Are you a parent? If so, how do you manage your college schedule and the quality time with your children and family?
I feel it is important to know this because as student we give so much time and dedication and the fact of having to leave our little ones home in order to prepare ourselves to a brighter future is amazing. I myself am a parent of 2 kids and from my experience I see my kids as my motor to keep going. It is important to award those men and women who doesn’t set themselves small but hose to grow everyday through the powerful tool that is EDUCATION
- Do you work while in college? This answer id the key to determine what type of financial help the student may or may not need. Assisting to college in times of a pandemic may be expensive specially If the student is a head of family or have significant others who depending on them. it is important to let students know of all the resources college offers to help them accomplish their career goals and that they are not alone.
You are welcome to work with one another to brainstorm and test out your questions, however, you should each come up with your own questions.
Once again, you should have 4 questions. One question should be a non-threatening question that helps establish trust and rapport. Each question should have a 2-3 sentence explanation of why it is a good interview question.